Full Paper Submission
Generate IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF with PDF eXpress and submit.
Add copyright notice to the source document.
STEP 1: Prepare your full paper source document.
1. The full paper template is the same as the digest one. Thus if you already have a digest template, it is unnecessary to download a new one here. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow the template's instruction to prepare your full paper.
2. You may adjust the title and/or the authors' information, but the main content of the full paper should be consistent with the reviewed digest.
STEP 2: Add copyright notice to the source document.
IEEE requires all authors or their employers who intend to publish in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library to provide a transfer of the copyright. Please add the appropriate copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document (before creating PDFs).
1. For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:
U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
2. For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
979-8-3503-2934-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 Crown
3. For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
979-8-3503-2934-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 European Union
4. For all other papers the copyright notice is:
979-8-3503-2934-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Optional step: Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account (skip this step if you already have one).
All PDFs to be included in IEEE Xplore should be validated through PDF eXpress for Xplore compatibility. If this is the first time you use PDF eXpress, a new PDF eXpress account has to be created.
1. Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress website.
Full Paper Submission Guideline
2. Click on "Create account" and enter the following fields:
· Conference ID: 60579X
· Email Address
· Confirm Email Address
· Choose a Password
3. After filling all information required, click on "Submit" to proceed. An email confirmation will be sent to activate your account, please check your inbox or junk mail.
4. By clicking on "Login" you will be directed to a new page to fulfill your IEEE PDF eXpress user profile. After filling all required fields and clicking on "Submit", a window will pop up saying that the account has been saved successfully.
5. So far, you have created your personal PDF-express account, please click on "Dashboard" to proceed.
STEP 3: Generate IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF with PDF eXpress and submit.
6. Click the "CREATE NEW TITLE" botton to start the conversion. Follow the steps listed in the webpage until the conversion progress is done.
7. A record will appear on your "Dashboard". You can download the converted PDF file here.
8. Nomally a few minutes later, you will receive an email from "IEEE PDF eXpress Site Services" which notifies the reception of your file. Then, another message will arrive with the converted IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file attached. Please read this email carefully and follow the instructions.
8. Please proofread the generated PDF document thoroughly, revise until everything looks as you intend.
9. After your PDF file is ready, you can submit it through filling the full paper submission sheet.
Important Notifications
There are 2 deadlines for full paper submission.
1. If you have submitted digests and received acceptance notifications, the full paper submission deadline is Nov. 5th, which is the same as the previously notified time.
2. If you have not submitted digests before its submission deadline (Sept. 10th), you are also allowed to submit your full paper before Oct. 15th. In this case, you don't have to submit the digest.
Sponsored by: Zhejiang University IEEE Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter